Why won’t the government admit the true cost of renewable energy?


By Paul Homewood

The government has been claiming that “flexibility measures”, which they are planning to introduce, will save us all billions of pounds.

I covered this story last month here, and showed the claims to be a con.

It is pleasing to see that the GWPF have now followed this up, with an article in CapX:


By Harry Wilkinson

Everyone knows that renewable power is inherently unreliable, or as engineers put it: “intermittent”. Nonetheless, there is a plan in place to become ever more reliant on these technologies for our electricity supply.

This has forced the government into taking a risky bet on unproven “flexibility measures”, in a desperate attempt to try and manage this huge technical challenge.

These measures will have hefty upfront costs of up to £20 billion, but the benefits are uncertain, spread over many years and will be outweighed many times over by the…

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