Extinctions and shutting down the Gulf Stream

Watts Up With That?

By Andy May

This is part four of our series on climate change costs and hazards. The first three parts were on humans and the environment, population and the food supply, and the cost of global warming. In this part we examine the assertion that man-made climate change, the growth of the human population, and other human activities are causing an increase in species extinctions. We also examine the polar bear controversy.

And we examine the assertion that man-made climate change will cause an influx of fresh water into the North Atlantic from melting glaciers on Greenland and shut down the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation and/or the Gulf Stream. This will then, supposedly, cause a major cooling akin to the one seen 8,180 to 8,340 years ago when the ice dam holding Lake Agassiz onto North America broke, spilling a huge amount of fresh water into the…

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