An Instant Global Ocean Thermometer from Antarctic Ice Cores

Watts Up With That?

Guest post by David Middleton

Why bother with Argo floats and ocean heat content?  Now the average temperature of the oceans can be instantly calculated by the ratio of noble gasses in the atmosphere…

New Study Identifies Thermometer for Global Ocean

Researchers now able to reconstruct past ocean temperatures

Jan 04, 2018

There is a new way to measure the average temperature of the ocean thanks to researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego. In an article published in the Jan. 4, 2018, issue of the journal Nature, geoscientist Jeff Severinghaus and colleagues at Scripps Oceanography and institutions in Switzerland and Japan detailed their ground-breaking approach.

Determining changes in the average temperature of the entire world’s ocean has proven to be a nearly impossible task due to the distribution of different water masses. Each layer of water can have drastically different temperatures, so…

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