Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Freeze’

Watts Up With That?

Josh has something to say, or rather, draw, about the recent kerfuffle over Al Gore and Michael Mann’s beliefs as covered here on WUWT and in the Washington Times:

Al Gore under fire for claiming icy storm is ‘exactly what we should expect from climate crisis’

Former vice president links freezing weather along eastern seaboard to global warming

Former Vice President Al Gore is taking heat for his claim that the icy nor’easter blanketing the eastern seaboard with snow and freezing temperatures is “exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis.”

The debate over global warming’s impact on Winter Storm Grayson was already raging when Mr. Gore jumped in with a tweet positing that the storm was consistent with human-caused climate change, and citing an article by Penn State climate scientist Michael E. Mann.

“It’s bitter cold in parts of the US, but climate scientist 

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