No, Climate Change Is Not Turning the Amazon into a Savannah


By Paul Homewood


Among the top Google News search results today for “climate change” is an article by the UK Guardian claiming climate change is drying out the Amazon rainforest and pushing it to a “tipping point,” after which it will irreversibly become a grassland savannah. In reality, objective data show rainfall is increasing in the Amazon rainforest as the word modestly warms, making the rainforest less likely to become savannah.

The Guardian article, titled “Amazon near tipping point of switching from rainforest to savannah — study,” asserts:

Rainforests are highly sensitive to changes in rainfall and moisture levels, and fires and prolonged droughts can result in areas losing trees and shifting to a savannah-like mix of woodland and grassland. In the Amazon, such changes were known to be possible but thought to be many decades away

New research shows that this tipping point could be much closer…

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